Monday, April 10, 2006

Debt log : Soli : April 2006

I owe, I owe, it's the Irish' all my fault I know:

$60 fooBar [James]
$60 guitar down payment [James]
$40 a fraction of random Easter crap [James]

$100 cash advances [Dad]
$1000 older debt wrapped up with "Leaving BC" [Dad]

$100 older debt/gift wrapped up with "Leaving BC" [Dennis]
$100 older debt/gift wrapped up with "Leaving BC" [Shari]
$200 older debt/gift wrapped up with "Leaving BC" [Dr. Bill]
$200 older debt wrapped up with "Returning to Montreal" [Ed]

$200 rent April [Adrian]
$400 rent May [Adrian]

This is not "the truth", but what I can clearly write down.


At 4/10/2006 08:42:00 PM, Blogger madirishman said...

always blaming the irish for your lack of willpower will not make it any better - the irish at least understand temptation and the futility in resistance - try as ya might it'll catch ya when yer not lookin'

At 4/10/2006 10:14:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

wise irish man? strange stuff...


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